This tutorial doesn’t work on Bedrock/Windows 10/Pocket Edition servers! They don’t support SRV records.
If you already own a domain on Freenom or any other domain registrar, you can skip some of the domain registration steps and when you get to changing Nameservers of the domain, if you are unsure how you do it on your domain registrar, Google can help you!
Beware, the server IP can change without warning. You will have to change the IP on the SRV record if the server IP has changed.
Step 1:
Get yourself a free domain from Freenom. Our domain for this guide will be
. Instead of the example type in whatever you want your custom IP to be.

Step 2:
Change the duration of the domain from 3 Months @ FREE
to 12 Months @ FREE

Step 3:
Enter your email address and click the Verify My Email Address button.

Step 4:
Open your email inbox in a new tab and open the email sent by Freenom. If you don’t see it, make sure to check the SPAM folder. Click on the link to verify your email address.

Step 5:
On the next page enter random info and the password so you can log back in and click the Continue button.
Step 6:
Go to Cloudflare. Click the Signup button then register as usual.
Step 7:
Click the Add Site button found on the home page.

Step 8:
with your domain you registered on Freenom and click Add site.

Step 9:
Choose the Free plan and click the Confirm Plan button.

Step 10:
This is where you will link your domain to your Minecraft server. Click Add Record to get a new record to change.

Step 11:
Change A to SRV Record

Step 12:
Type in the following information:
Service: _minecraft
If you want to use
as your servers IP, type @
in the Name field
or for
, type play
in the Name field
or for
, type mc
in the Name field
or you can type anything in the Name field for example: If you type something
you can use
to connect to your Minecraft server
If you want to use, as well as / or, repeat steps 10 – 13.
Set the priority to 0
and the weight to 5
and continue to the next step without saving.

Step 13:
Copy the Node DNS IP from your Minecraft server and PORT and paste them in the correct area and click the Save button.

Step 14:
After clicking the Save button you will see it appear in the list below. After adding the SRV record and checking if everything is correct, click the Continue button.

Step 15:
Go back to the Freenom site and click the Manage Domain button. If you closed it, don’t worry! Go to Freenom Domains.

Step 16:
Click on Management Tools and then Nameservers.

Step 17:
Choose use custom nameservers on the Freenom site, copy over Nameserver 1 from Cloudflare to Freenom and do the same for Nameserver 2. Leave the other Nameservers blank, click the Change Nameservers button on the Freenom site, then click the Done, check nameservers button on the Cloudflare site.

Step 18:
Click the Re-check now button and wait at least an hour.

Step 19:
Refresh your page and you will see the following. You might now be able to use your new IP.

If you would like to check if your IP works. Go to and type in your IP and click the Get server status button. Click Show debug info for info on the hostname, IP, and port.