Backup is a new feature that was added on the 13th of Nov 2020 as it was highly requested by users.
General information
- Backups are stored off-site from your node, so in case of a node-specific failure (Disk Failure, Meteor hitting the data center, etc) your backups should remain safe.
- The feature is completely free and everyone has access to it, although, on the free plan you can only have 1 backup stored at a time, you will need to delete old backups to create new backups
- Backups are not touched when you re-install or move your server (even if you pick the “Delete Files” option), so as long as you have a backup your fine.
How to create a backup?
Your server needs to be active before performing any actions.
- Go to the “Backups” tab on your server
- Click on “Create a Backup”
- Wait a few minutes till the backup is created, the status will update on the table.
How to restore/delete a backup?
You can restore and delete backups on the latest backup.

Can I take a download of the backup?
Yes, as of 26th of Jun 2021 you can now take a download of the latest backup.

Frequently Asked Questions:
How to know if my backup is successful?
You will see that your backup status changed to Created
What failed status mean?
If your backup failed then there’s probably a backup creating already or your backup has passed 1 hour creating then it timeouts and is marked as Failed
How do I know that my server is restored? I can’t wait on the page for a few minutes.
You will get an email when the restoration progress is done.
Your backups will be deleted if your server got deleted as well.